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Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset Guide
House Rules

All players are expected to read and follow these upon joining the server.

1. No arguing with the DMs or administrators.
If you have a problem with something that has occurred in the game, you may send a DM a private message on the forum. They will take any steps necessary to correct the situation. If you are still unsatisfied, you may contact an administrator. An administrator's word is final.

2. Keep things PG-13.
In-character scenerios involving explicit sexuality, rape, or excessive violence will not be allowed. For decorum's sake, both IC and OOC profanity is discouraged.

3. No cheating, exploiting, hacking, or muling.
Muling, or twinking, is defined as the transfer of items between your own characters.

4. No griefing.
Excessive, mindless, or non-roleplayed PvP and pickpocketing will not be tolerated.

5. Please choose an original name.
No book, television, or movie characters names will be allowed. Other inappropriate names will be handled as the DMs see fit. If they ask you to change it see rule #1. Do not use a title (Sir, Lord, Lady, Duke, King, etc.), profession, or other generic descriptor as part of your name unless you have DM permission. Please capitalize the name appropriately and refrain from using non-alphabetical characters (�, �, etc).

6. Stay in character at all times while in the game world.
All OOC communication should be sent through tells and denoted in a generally accepted way (such as prefixing with OOC or //).

7. Keep metagaming to a minimum.
We realize that some is inevitable, but please take care to seperate what you know as a player and what your character knows as a denizen of DC.

8. No Ninja Looting.
Ninja looting is using some degree of stealth to avoid fighting foes, in order to bypass them and get to loot chests or drops.

Ninja-looting is illigal because other players will have to deal with your spawns. This is unfair on them if they are a lower level party wishing to play in the dungeon.

The act of treating items drops as free ATM machines is not conducive with the roleplay environment that DC is built around.

The DMs are not at all opposed to people enjoying dungeons; we would not make them otherwise. We are not opposed to you looting, however if the challenge is too much for you alone, go to a lower level dungeon or group up.

9. When going AFK (Away from Keyboard).
We request that if you are going to be away from the keyboard for more than 10 minutes, you log off. Idle characters in the game world detract from immersion and may be viewed as exploiting the various recharge-over-time systems.

10. Play nice!
OOC conflicts will happen, but every player is expected to maintain a respectful attitude toward the players and staff here. Adopting a hostile, insulting, or antagonistic attitude is a quick way to get banned.

If you have a problem with another player that you are unable to resolve civilly, you may send a DM or administrator a private message on the forum and ask them to mediate.

11. No spawn camping/farming.
Do not farm or spawn camping areas/dungeons = defined as running through the same areas/dungeon again and again.

12. Rape and RP.
Rape may be a part of a character's background. However, you are only allowed to state this non-explicitly. Rape is never to be referred to explicitly on the RP forums, or while on the server. Never. If you are going to refer to rape in your character's history on the RP forums, you must do so in a non-explicit manner.

13. Have fun!