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Neverwinter Nights 2 Toolset Guide

1253 BF
The mines run out in the tunnels of "The First Clan", a collection of dwarven families united under one clan banner.
1251 BF
The Battle of Stoneburn Barrens occurred in the tunnels of the clan at the very edge of their territory.
1228 BF
Following The Battle of Stoneburn Barrens, The Stoutaxe family leaves the halls of The First Clan looking for a new home as the tunnels can no longer support all of the Dwarves due to a lack of ore. They become Clan Stoutaxe.
1224 BF
 The Deeptunnel family leaves the halls of The First Clan becoming Clan Deeptunnel. They working with shipwrights in Haldun and Paltin, two kingdoms just getting started.
1224 BF
 The Irongrinder family also leaves the halls of the First Clan, going to work with a family of metal workers in Haldun. They become Clan Irongrinder.
1223 BF
 The Granitebuilders leaves the halls of the First Clan and become Clan Granitebuilder working with the newly founded kingdom of Zeeltur.
1200 BF
 The growth and rise of the four small nations of Haldun, Multar, Paltin and Zeeltur bordering on the strange, even older settlement of wizards, Soros. One of the Kingdoms, the Kingdom of Multar, quickly becomes the dominant Kingdom. The ruling family is unable to shake the cultural tendency to think humans are "better". This attitude put them at odds with their Dwarven, Elf, and Halfling neighbors as well as the other three Kingdoms. Multar starts to skirmish with the elves and dwarves, looking to enslave them.
This is the point which the Almardhel Elves made a formal and official move into the cities of Haldun. As hostilties rose with Multar, the Almardhel enjoyed the protective walls of Haldun, in return offering their skills as scouts and archers.
1100 BF
The other three Kingdoms see enough and step in. Led by the Kingdom of Haldun, the Kingdoms of Paltin and Zeeltur take a stand against King Nevil of Multar. They force him to sit at the peace table and talk or risk being cut of from trade with Haldun, Paltin, and Zeeltur. King Nevil realizes that there is no way his Kingdom can survive under those conditions, and grudgingly makes peace with the Elves and Dwarves.
The armor and weapons crafted by House Turas aided greatly in bringing King Nevil to the table.
Morgan Garun convinced King Thomas IV to wear a new design of clothing to the peace talks.
1094 BF
 Princess Hallie, King Nevil�s daughter, marries Prince Thomas of Haldun. Another measure to keep King Nevil in line. The quick political thinking of Haldun in these matters has Paltin, Zeeltur, and Multar looking to Haldun for leadership in the matters of cooperation and trade.
1072 BF
King Thomas IV passes on. King Thomas V ascends to the throne with his wife Queen Hallie
This is followed by a long period of growth in all the Kingdoms, with Haldun being the biggest. Haldun's growth is attributed to its being the leader in the talks that got King Nevil to back down.
Joakal Turas branches out into money lending as a way to increase profit. This immediately starts trouble with House Borianas.
Morgan Garun is filling orders for cloth in three of the four great kingdoms, and counts a couple of elven tailors among his customers.
1065 BF
Halflings and Dwarves begin to live among the people of Haldun. A true intermixing of the races, all loyal to the throne of Haldun. These Halflings and dwarves had been encouraged by Haldun�s stance against Multar and the resulting actions. They saw a chance at cooperation and a better life working together. These small communities are first comprised of merchants and tradesmen but soon flourish into larger communities as others of each race follow suit.
As the Halflings and Dwarves come to Haldun to willingly bend knee to King Thomas V, many stay among the city to savour the feeling of comradeship. The King declares a city-wide holiday (calling it the festival of accord) so that all may enjoy the company of their neighbours.
1060 BF
Small flames of bitterness spread through the Human populace of the city when they come to realise how The Crown has encouraged foreign investment. Some see their livelihoods threatened, some ruined by those of other races and tempers gradually increase. The human populace of the city becomes more frustrated by the Houses� indifference to the problem, as they are quite happily employing craftsmen of different races purely on merit of skill and effort.
1058 BF
Much to the disappointment of The Crown, Haldun�s prosperity is still hindered by outbreaks of violence between the difference races of the growing nation. King Thomas V decides that something must be done about it. Over the next few decades, the merchant tradehouses of Haldun make progress in assuring peace and prosperity amongst the people, and the power of the crown is ebbed away slowly. However, Haldun continues to grow, and the King still has his rule.
996 BF
Clan Hammerstriker finds that their vein of ore goes much deeper than had originally been thought. They contact the Clan Deeptunnel living in Paltin and strike a deal. The split in the Deeptunnel clan is no more as the Paltinar Deeptunnel return to the ancestral tunnels and become a part of Clan Hammerstriker.
978 BF
Horace Turas, namesake of the founder of House Turas, dies at a young age. That same year the feud between House Turas and House Borianas comes to an end.
House Garun has expanded its cloth sales to all four of the great kingdoms, and had acquired a dwarven customer.
946 BF
After a nasty falling out with a House in the Kingdom of Zeeltur that provided them with dyes, House Garun began to research and invest in a dye making operation of their own.
869 BF
House Garun began to excel in the area of dye making.
713 BF
The Earliest recorded histories of the Mok'Tar and Da'Kar Orcs tribes are carved and painted along The Wall. Tension mounts as the Mok'Tar grow lazy with defense, living in caves and paying little heed to the Da'Kar. The Da'Kar continue to uphold their guardianship of The Wall.
711 BF
The Da'Kar select the strongest warriors from the Mok'Tar and recruit them into the Tribe. The Da'Kar plan to rid the lands beyond of the evil once and for all.
710 BF
A sign in the heavens is shown to the Mok'Tar and Da'Kar. A brilliant star that moves across the sky. This phenomenon is named "Lai'suku" (Divine-Gem) The wisest of the tribes read the omen as good luck. This instils the Mok'Tar to once more join their brethren and many more warriors from both tribes join the preparations to make war on the evil beyond.
709 BF
A vast Army of Mok'Tar and Da'Kar, under the leadership of 'Ralgun Sadr'Rak' Make their way beyond the Wall. The first to do so in centuries. Awaiting their return and with new understanding, the remaining Orcs unite as one tribe, the Mok'Tar. All Mok'Tar follow Gehan'ul, a noble and wise Orc, that begins to preach philosophy to the Mok'Tar.
706 BF
The army still did not return. Az-Goraz kills Gehan'Ul after a heated 'debate'. Az-Goraz re-invigorates the dullened warrior-spirits within his people, and incites much infighting between the Mok'Tar.
704 BF
With continued in-fighting, the Mok'Tar tribe became utterly disbanded. With little others to wage war against, the bloodthirsty Orcs had only each other. Spreading out across the Southern lands, Some of these Orcs made the first contact with the Pagans from Santiri.
The result was bloody.
702 BF
House Garun backed out of a deal for tapestries that had been arranged with House Delriso. The tapestries were for a keep that House Delriso was building for House Curthan. This would develop into a centuries long feud.
700 BF
It was not only the Orcs and Pagans that suffered the wars, the land became tainted and barren with bloodshed. The wisemen of the Orcs called it an omen, that the Great Spirits Of The Mirror Realm were displeased.
695 BF
The death of the land began to take its toll on the dispersed Orcs. Where once they had banded together and almost formed something of a civilized society, within a decade it had all changed. Starving and rejecting the words of the wise ones, and fending for themselves only, the remaining Orcs continued to fight over the last scraps of available food or land.
694 BF
Az-Goraz, still the most powerful warrior, yet no more having any power of leadership over the scattered Orcs made his way to return to the Wall.
693 BF
On Reaching The Wall, Az-Goraz discovered the Orcs that remained had fully adopted their position of guardians, as their ancestors had done. Under the name Da'Kar Hazarad, they gave Az-Goraz and what remained of his family tribe a simple ultimatum: He either defend the Wall with them, or be banished to wander the wilderness.
692 BF
Az-Goraz had a fox's cunning, though and agreed to stay and defend the Wall. Secretly, he began to subvert many of the Da'Kar Hazarad to his own secret cause.
679 BF
After many long, patient years, the now ageing Az-Goraz realized he must take his opportunity now while he still had strength. Over the last years, he had amassed a secret force, hidden away in the labyrinthine tunnels that stretched deep into the cliffs at the base of the Wall.
The Once Chieftan lead his warriors, named Goraz-Kai, against the Da'Kar Hazarad, in a vain attempt to overthrow them and take dominance of the Wall, which appealed and held a strong significance to all Orcs.
671 BF
Az-Goraz had not anticipated that whilst he had roamed the lands half-starved, fighting other, starving Orcs, the Da'Kar Hazarad had been consistently training and preparing themselves psychologically as well as physically, for battle. Knowing the evil beyond the Wall was greater than any other known. The battles were swift and deadly, and Az-Goraz and his band were beaten into retreat, back within the caves.
670 BF
A strange pestilence struck Otere settlements, having no effect on the other races and Nitari travelers seemed immune to the disease. Called the �Dark Blight�, the skin of those infected had dark sores several inches around. Though deaths were few, it incapacitated many, sometimes leaving whole villages without a single able bodied adult. Within the year the pestilence ended, leaving little clue as to its cause or cure. To those who tell the tale, the survival of the Otere depended entirely on the charity of others, Nitari and tall folk, who cared for them during this plague. It is an oft told Otere story about kindness.
668 BF
The Da'Kar Hazarad, began to ensure only the strongest and most dedicated became true guardians, the others were banished to the caves along with the Goraz band. However, to maintain numbers, the Da'Kar Hazarad chose strong warriors from the Goraz twice a year.
665 BF
As the vestiges of hostility between the Da'Kar and Goraz lessened, the two groups began to get on with their newly adopted lifestyles. Many Goraz, out of pride, attempted to prove themselves strong enough to join the Da'Kar Hazarad
657 BF
The schism of the Eldritch council of Soros. At least one of the Eldritch Council perishes in this cataclysmic event.
615 BF

Mok Tar is founded as the Goraz peacefully begin emerging from the caves and rediscover the ancient markings at the base of the Wall. By this time, the honor of becoming a Da'Kar Hazarad is of great importance, yet the actual purpose for the Da'Kar's defence of the Wall is entirely lost to history.
483 BF
 Mok Tar flourishes as the Goraz advance to farming and fishing, aided by visitors from the Isle of Santiri. Crafting simple clothes and cultural items.
475 BF
Morgan Tantos is exiled from Hierasolis along with Sethras Bohime. The two powerful warlocks battled, resulting in the creation of The Legend Of Tantos Tomb. Tantos Straights is also named after the victor, not to be confused with the later King Tanton.
400 BF

Over the centuries the Kingdom of Haldun has grown. As it grew many Nobles houses sprang up. Some earning their nobility through deeds, others off shoots from the original houses who struck out on their own. Haldun became a bastion of trade with the seven great houses becoming the true power behind the throne. It is the dealings of Houses Borianas, Balaney, Turas, Garun, Aristes, Curthan, and Lermor that made the Kingdom of Haldun easily the power of the four Kingdoms. This was accomplished through underworld dealing that undercut the power of the other thrones, as well as blatant moves in trade negotiations to limit the strength of the other Kingdoms. The Haldar�s own lessons in peace and working together are lost to time.
Numerous wars are averted between the different Kingdoms by the Kingdom of Haldun.
309 BF
House Turas began to pressure the King Barik IV of Haldun as well as the other houses to expand the kingdom.
308 BF Kellah'rra, Warrior King of Mok'Tar and legend among the Da'Kar sets off alone beyond the Wall.
Haldun enters another expansionistic period.
307 BF
The nobility of Multar began to die off in a series of accidents and assassinations. Sadly it is the children of the nobles who came up dead, leading to the disappearance of numerous houses due to the lack of heirs. These accidents and assassinations are traced back to opposing houses who soon began to experience losses of their own
303 BF
Peaceful relations continue between the Goraz and the Da'Kar Hazarad.
301 BF
Kellah'rra returns to The Wall, injured, yet spoke of a land of riches. He planned to return to this land and return with Kingly wealth.
295 BF
Kellah'rra Once more sets off beyond the Wall.
284 BF
Kellah'rra returns again badly wounded once more, yet with no wealth and strangely white hair. His only comments regarding his journey were the incoherent ramblings about a great terror. Whatever secrets Kellah'rra learnt of the lands to the North, died with him shortly after his return.
202 BF
King Barik VI of Haldun invaded the Kingdom of Multar. Citing the intertwining of the Haldun and Multar royal lines some seven hundred years previous and numerous times since. It had been discovered that the Multar Kingdom was going to try to go to war with the Elves and Clan Hammerstriker again. The evidence is show to the Elves, Clan Hammerstriker, and the Kings of Paltin and Zeeltur.
The Elves, Clan Hammerstriker, and other two Kingdoms agree to stay out of the pending war, despite the outcry from Multar that the charges are false.
198 BF
It took only two years for Haldun to take over Multar and oust the King.
160 BF
Many lands in the Kingdom of Paltin are turned over to Haldar Trading Houses as payment for outstanding bills.
141 BF
Zeeltur merchants begin to willingly hand over their own lands as payment for debts and collateral to the Haldar Trading Houses.
117 BF
Gamgor Irongrinder dies at the age of 293 after only leading his Clan for 97 years. Though many in the clan believe the death was not natural no proof was ever found.
76 BF
The Mages of Soros watched from afar until now. Seeing this threat of the Kingdom of Haldun they make their move. They push King Samel of Zeeltur and King Naden of Paltin to fight back against Haldun pointing out that if these two kings do not take action their own nobility will soon trade away both of their kingdoms.
51 BF
Partly from the frustration of being ground under the heels of Haldun�s merchant houses, and mostly from the pushing of Soros , Kings Samel and Naden commit to a pact against Haldun. Determined not to let their Kingdoms fall to Haldun so completely they join forces with Soros .
Clan Granitebuilder stood as a part of Zeeltur. All the Dwarves had hoped that things would not come to blows, but neither would any of them stand down from fighting for their Kingdoms.
A few months later Clan Hammerstriker sided with Paltin, Soros , and Zeeltur. It was a matter of need on the part of Clan Hammerstriker. It was stand with the alliance and lose one trading partner, or stand with Haldun and lose three.
48 BF
Kings Samen and Naden try to convince the Elves to join them. They choose to stay out of the war at that time. Soros provides some supplies and information for the two kings, but they did not commit forces initially.
Haldun was able to hold off Paltin and Zeeltur, locking the war in a decades long stalemate. There are heavy casualties on both sides.
12 BF
The alliance of Soros , Zeeltur, and Paltin cut off supplies going into Haldun.
11 BF
Most of the people of Haldun remain under the impression that it is the other Kingdoms who have started all of this, not being privy to the machinations of the merchant houses and their hold over the throne of Haldun. As such it is the people of Haldun who finally reach out to and win over their neighbors (Elves, Dwarves, Halflings) who stand with them.
10 BF
The people of Haldun reach out to and win the sympathy and support of their elven, dwarven, and Halfling neighbours who choose to stand with them.
One month later the first wizards of Soros make their presence known on the battlefields.
On hand ore dwindled, and House Turas was unable to get more due to the tight hold the enemy alliance had on incoming supplies. This cripples House Turas� ability to make weapons and armors or conduct repairs
7 BF
The two Kingdoms and Soros begin to win the war despite the aid Haldun receives.
5 BF The Battle of the Bloody Bridge
�   Haldun sends an army of four thousand soldiers north to meet a force of mercenaries from the ruined lands of Multar. The mercaneries are the hired blades of Soros, and number only 1500. Haldun's forces expect victory. The two forces meet at the bridge of Stalis, which spans the river of the same name. The first wave of mercenaries is met with fierce resistance, but Soran arcansits assist in the second attack, shrouded in magical protections and raining fire down on Haldun's people. The injured turn to the priests of Amaros, who are unable to call upon their divine magic. Panic soons spreads among Haldun's forces as their enemies continue the assault. Soon the lines break, and Haldun's soldiers are overwhelmed. Those not claimed by spell and sword are taken by the fast currents of the river. Soros exchanges the lives of six-hundred mercaneries for four-thousand of Haldun's soldiers.
Masacre of Lithonael
�   An army moves north of out Paltin, with a detachment of Clan Hammerstriker dwarves. They cross the planes to the west of the Lithonael forest, home to a city of Aredhel elves. The Aredhel elves of Lithonael use hit and run tactics to slay 2000 of the 5000 dwarves and men travelling north, drastically reducing the number of troops that end up battering the southern gate of Haldun. The elven dead does not reach 100.
 5 BF The Siege of Haldun
�   The remaining army of Paltin sieges the southern gate of Haldun. The weakened city soon falls to the combined strength of Soros and Paltin. King Tanton is slain in the defense of the city, along with the scores of nobility serving as officers in the army of Haldun.
 5 BF Battle of Three Rivers Lake
�   A ruse battle to trick Zeeltur into thinking that the remaining forces of Haldun are moving on them. In truth, most of Haldun's women and children are sent north into elven lands with a small guard to protect them. 1000 more of Haldun's soldiers perish in this battle, earning their families the chance to escape.
 5 BF Taking of Chartok
�   Refugess of Haldun flee the Battle of Three Rivers Lake and make their way through the forest of Naertaal. The elves of Naertaal aid in their passing, guiding them to the Zeeltur port town of Chartok. Haldun's remaining martial forces attack with the Aredhel of Naertaal and secure several ships to carry the people of Haldun to safety on the old continent of Berkatan. Reinforcements from Zeeltur's nearby garrison arrive as the last of the ships are being loaded, and all but a few of the Aredhel of Naertaal are cut off from the retreating ships. It is believed that most of the Aredhel perish, but just over a thousand make their way back into the Naertaal forest. The forces of Zeeltur know better than to pursue them into the forest.

5 BF The Aftermath
The alliance states publically for the historians that they see no reason to chase down the remnants of Haldun and her allies considering their own alliance has served its purpose. The truth is that the alliance remains tenuous and likely will not hold up over the distances involved. The war has waged its toll on all involved also, and each nation needs a period of growth and harvest badly.
�   Paltin keeps its lands on the east coast of Deagerad and negotiates a small portion of the lands once occupied by Haldun from Soros. Paltin's efforts are directed at rebuilding.
�   Soros retreats to its now expanded lands in the north, and begins to decorate their new lands in the laws and customs of Soros.
�   Zeeltur, now left without nearby allies also turns its efforts towards rebuilding. Of all of the nations, Zeeltur knows it must be the most careful given that it is next to the new Haldun settlement.
4 BF The Flight
Lead by King Tanton�s son, twenty year old Prince Thomas X, the Haldar refugees make land on a narrow bridge of land and begin to build a city to call home. Upon landfall Houses Borianas, Balaney, Turas, and Garun adapt quickly to this new land, using the same skills that made them rich in the Old Kingdom to thrive in the new land. It is the houses that are able to quickly provide food, tools, and homes for the refugees.
House Curthan and Lermor are replaced amongst the seven houses by Houses Jadyn and Delriso who are better able to capitalize than the two great houses.
As the many ships arrive from Old Haldun, the Orcs are wary and at first stick to the Wall, ready for an attack. No moves are made from the settlers further North.
The alliance states publically for the historians that they see no reason to chase down the remnants of Haldun and her allies considering their own alliance has served its purpose. The truth is that the alliance remains tenuous and likely will not hold up over the distances involved. The war has waged its toll on all involved also, and each nation needs a period of growth and harvest badly.
�   Paltin keeps its lands on the east coast of Deagerad and negotiates a small portion of the lands once occupied by Haldun from Soros. Paltin's efforts are directed at rebuilding.
�   Soros retreats to its now expanded lands in the north, and begins to decorate their new lands in the laws and customs of Soros.
�   Zeeltur, now left without nearby allies also turns its efforts towards rebuilding. Of all of the nations, Zeeltur knows it must be the most careful given that it is next to the new Haldun settlement.
4 BF The Landing
Lead by King Tanton�s son, the then twenty-year-old Prince Thomas X, the Haldar refugees make land on a narrow bridge of land and begin to build a city to call home. Upon landfall Houses Borianas, Balaney, Turas, and Garun adapt quickly to this new land, using the same skills that made them rich in the Old Kingdom to thrive in the new land. It is the houses that are able to quickly provide food, tools, and homes for the refugees.
House Curthan and Lermor are replaced amongst the seven houses by House Jadyn and House Delriso who are better able to capitalize than the two great houses.
As the many ships arrive from Old Haldun, the Orcs are wary and at first stick to the Wall, ready for an attack. No moves are made from the settlers further North.
3 BF
With the travellers from across the sea meeting peacefully, trade between Mok'Tar and the newly formed settlements opens.
The Foundation
It was decided that the old kingdom was lost to the Haldar and they would not be going back to it. They simply did not have the manpower to wrest it from the control of those that had defeated them. For the Haldar to survive their culture would have to be reborn in this new land. In that thought they found their answer. No one knows for sure who�s idea the Arch of Rebirth was originally. In keeping with the spirit of the Arch no one person wanted to take credit for the idea.
The Trading Houses got together, and their first action as a council in this new land was to come up with the idea of the Arch and the Festival as a way to �sell� the Haldar on a new life in this new land. They needed a way to convince all the Haldar they were better off in this new land. The concept of Rebirth and the Arch became that method.
1 AF
Haven is founded by Carter Aristes, the head of House Aristes who did not agree with the location the other Houses chose for the new Haldun.
2 AF
Amber Brotcian worked as Lead Minstrel to establish The Minstrels in the new settlement began. She met with heavy resistance from other Haldar who believed there was no time for song and stories.
9 AF
House Turas and House Balaney approach The Minstrels. A deal is reach with Amber Brotcian, the Lead Minstrel, and Hal Demko, her Second. A school is established by the Minstrels.
11 AF
The Minstrels school opened. It would become the place that all of the Houses would send their children to learn as the Minstrels dedication to keeping knowledge and history made them the ideal teachers while the rest of the settlement worked to build a new home.
14 AF
Keltan Garun took over the running of House Garun from his mother. His father had died in the final battles in the Old Kingdom at the hands of a Soros wizard.
19 AF
Ashnal Balaney took over House Balaney when his father dies. His father had been instrumental in helping to found Haldun and bring food to the people.
20 AF
Lead Minstrel Amber Brotcian died at the hands of a highway man during a trip back to Haldun from Haven. Hal Demko becomes Lead Minstrel of The Minstrels.
27 AF
Linard Jadyn took over House Jadyn. His father had died in the earlier years of the settlement with his mother leading the house. In this year Linard came of age and assumed the role as the head of the House.
31 AF
Syranny Turas, Lady Steel, took over House Turas when her father died of a heart attack.
34 AF
Taes Delriso took over House Delriso when his namesake father died.
37 AF
Carter Aristes dies and Haven is handed down to his son, Taylor.
38 AF
Unhappy with Taylor Aristes� associations in Haldun led to fear that Aristes was going to swear Haven�s allegiance to Haldun. The Captain overthrew Taylor Aristes and assumed control of Haven.
49 AF

Present Time New Haldun has risen in this new land. Prince Thomas X is now Seventy years old. The Six Great houses have come to rule Haldun. Unlike in the old kingdom there is no hiding this in the new land. It is well know that Prince Thomas X receives a cut from the great houses giving him no reason to impose any real law in the land. One abides by the rule of the houses, or one does not survive.